Table of Contents
- §318 Attribution
- §331 & §332 Liquidations
- §336 & §338 Elections
- §351 Exchanges
- §357 Assumption of Liabilities
- §368 Reorganizations - Generally
- §368 A Reorganizations
- §368 B Reorganizations
- §368 C Reorganizations
- §368 D Reorganizations
- §368 F Reorganizations
- §701-§776 Partnerships
- §861 Source of Income
- §864 U.S. Trade or Business
- §884 Branch Profits Tax
- §871(a) & §881 FDAP
- §897 U.S. Real Property Interest
- §951-§954 Subpart F Income
- §951A GILTI
- §1361-§1379 S Corporations
- §1400Z-2 Opportunity Zones
- §7701 Entity Classification
- §1501-§1563 Consolidated Returns
- Tax Dispute Resolution
- Tax Planning
- Other